Thursday, September 4, 2008

Speech Reaction

What is your take on Sarah Palin's speech? How did John McCain do? I'm curious to hear your reactions.


Lauren Gouzie said...

I acutally was very impressed with Sarah Palin's speech. I thought she focused on the right points and made herself seem very qualified for the position. However, how much did her hair and outfit SCREAM Jackie Kennedy? We all thought that Michelle Obama's style reflected Jackie's, but the combination of her hair and dress was almost a complete mirror image of what we see of Jackie Kennedy.

Samantha.C said...

Despite what ones political party is, I think that many people were actually very impressed with Palin's speech. I thought she presented herself in a strong and professional matter. I heard a lot of Democrats commenting that even though they were still going to vote for Obama, Palin's speech really made them stop, think, and listen. I felt the same way. I actually listened to all of Palin's speech and absorbed most of what she was saying. Her viewpoints made me look at some of my viewpoints and evaluate why I had chosen them. Overall, I think Palin made feminists everywhere proud.